Performance characterization of plastic toughness
1, the more rigid the material is, the less likely it is to have deformation, and the more resilient it is, the more likely it is to undergo deformation.
Toughness and rigidity are the attributes that reflect the degree of difficulty in the deformation of an object. The more rigid the material is, the less likely it is to undergo deformation, and the more resilient it is, the more likely it is to undergo deformation.
Generally, the rigidity, the hardness, the tensile strength, the tensile modulus (young's modulus), the bending strength and the bending modulus are all larger. On the contrary, the greater the toughness, the greater the breaking elongation and impact strength. The impact strength is shown as the strength of the spline or the unit bearing the impact, usually the energy absorbed by the spline before the rupture. The impact strength varies with the shape, test method and sample condition, so it cannot be classified as the basic property of the material.
2. The results obtained by different impact test methods cannot be compared.
There are many methods of impact test, according to the test temperature: there are three kinds of temperature shock, low temperature impact and high temperature impact. According to the stress state of the sample, it can be divided into bending impact - simple beam and cantilever beam impact, tensile impact, torsion impact and shear shock. According to the energy and the number of shocks, it can be divided into a large energy and a small energy multiple impact test. Different impact test methods can be selected for different materials or different purposes, and different results can be obtained. These results cannot be compared.
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